All Zodiac Signs: Dates, Months, Meaning, Symbols (2024)

Unlock the secrets of the stars with our comprehensive guide to all 12 zodiac signs. Explore the unique traits and personalities of each sign, from the confident and adventurous Aries to the compassionate and intuitive Pisces. Discover how the alignment of the planets influences our lives and gain insights into compatibility, love, career, and more. Delve into the fascinating world of astrology and embrace the wisdom of the zodiac to better understand yourself and the people around you.

Zodiac Signs Explained

The zodiac is a circle of twelve 30-degree divisions of celestial longitudes centered upon the ecliptic: the Sun's path across the celestial sphere over the year.

The paths of the Moon and visible planets remain close to the ecliptic, within the zodiac belt, which extends eight to nine degrees north or south of the ecliptic, as measured in celestial latitude.

Each of the twelve zodiac signs represents a specific segment of the calendar, and traditionally, each sign was associated with certain personality traits, natural elements, and symbolic creatures.

How the Zodiac Signs Originated

The zodiac concept originated in ancient Babylon, around the 7th century BCE. From there, it spread to the eastern Mediterranean, reaching Egypt around the 4th century BCE. The ancient Greeks fully embraced the zodiac system, assigning elaborate myths to each sign.

This practice spread throughout the Roman Empire and was adapted into new spiritual contexts with the advent of Christianity.

Zodiac signs were used in various cultures in different forms. While Western astrology uses the tropical zodiac based on the year's seasons, other cultures like the Indian and Chinese use sidereal and lunar zodiacs, respectively.

Chinese astrology, in particular, uses twelve animal signs instead of constellations. Its cycle is also 60 years long, unlike the 12-month cycle in Western astrology. While Western astrology focuses on sun signs, Vedic astrology emphasizes the laws of nature, and Chinese astrology considers the year of one's birth.

the 12 Zodiac Signs and Their Traits

Below we have a detailed list of the 12 zodiacs and their components:

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Aries individuals are characterized by their strong sense of independence and self-confidence. As a fire sign, they have a natural inclination to take charge of situations and are not afraid to assert themselves when pursuing their goals.

This assertiveness often leads them to be trailblazers, breaking new ground and pushing boundaries in various aspects of life.

  • Symbol: The Ram
  • Ruling planet: Mars
  • Element: Fire
  • Color: Red
  • Ruling house: First
  • Most compatible Aries signs: Leo, Sagittarius
  • Aries birthstone: Diamond
  • Key Traits: Courageous, determined, confident

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Being an earth sign, Taurus individuals are known for their practical and reliable nature. They are often grounded and stable, seeking comfort and security in their lives.

With a strong appreciation for the finer things in life, they value material possessions and enjoy indulging in sensory pleasures.

  • Symbol: The Bull
  • Ruling planet: Venus
  • Element: Earth
  • Color: Green
  • Ruling house: Second
  • Most compatible Taurus signs: Virgo, Capricorn
  • Taurus birthstone: Emerald
  • Key traits: Reliable, patient, practical

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Gemini, the third air sign of the zodiac, is characterized by its dual nature and versatility. People born under this sign are known for their quick-witted and intellectually curious personalities, always seeking new experiences and knowledge.

Their adaptability and excellent communication skills make them excellent conversationalists and social butterflies.

  • Symbol: The Twins
  • Ruling planet: Mercury
  • Element: Air
  • Color: Yellow
  • Ruling house: Third
  • Most compatible Gemini signs: Libra, Aquarius
  • Gemini birthstone: Agate
  • Key traits: Adaptable, outgoing, intelligent

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Known for their sensitivity, Cancer signs are deeply intuitive and sentimental.They are highly empathetic and nurturing, always putting the needs of others before their own.

Cancer individuals are incredibly loyal and protective of their loved ones, creating strong emotional bonds with family and close friends.

  • Symbol: The Crab
  • Ruling planet: Moon
  • Element: Water
  • Color: White
  • Ruling house: Fourth
  • Most compatible Cancer signs: Scorpio, Pisces
  • Cancer birthstone: Ruby
  • Key traits: Tenacious, imaginative, loyal

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Leos thrive in the spotlight and have a natural flair for drama and creativity, making them captivating performers and artists.

Their generous and warm-hearted nature attracts others, and they often take on a leadership role in both personal and professional settings.

With an unwavering self-confidence, Leos are driven to achieve their goals and inspire those around them to do the same.

  • Symbol: The Lion
  • Ruling planet: Sun
  • Element: Fire
  • Color: Gold
  • Ruling house: Fifth
  • Most compatible Leo signs: Aries, Sagittarius
  • Leo birthstone: Peridot
  • Key traits: Creative, passionate, generous

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Virgo, the earth sign, is associated with a strong sense of responsibility and a meticulous approach to life.

They possess a keen analytical mind and are excellent problem solvers, often seeking perfection in everything they do.

Their nurturing and supportive nature makes them reliable friends and diligent workers, and they excel in organizing and managing tasks efficiently.

  • Symbol: The Maiden
  • Ruling planet: Mercury
  • Element: Earth
  • Color: Grey, Beige, Pale-Yellow
  • Ruling house: Sixth
  • Most compatible Virgo signs: Taurus, Capricorn
  • Virgo birthstone: Sapphire
  • Key traits: Loyal, analytical, kind

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Libras are about balance; they strive for fairness and justice. Libras are renowned for their charm and diplomatic nature. They have a natural talent for mediating conflicts and promoting harmony in their relationships.

Ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, Libras also have a strong appreciation for aesthetics and tend to have a keen eye for art and fashion.

  • Symbol: The Scales
  • Ruling planet: Venus
  • Element: Air
  • Color: Pink, Green
  • Ruling house: Seventh
  • Most compatible Libra signs: Gemini, Aquarius
  • Libra birthstone: Opal
  • Key traits: Diplomatic, fair-Minded, social

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Scorpios, the eighth water sign of the zodiac, are often associated with their intense and passionate nature. Their emotions run deep, and they have a natural ability to understand the depths of human psyche.

Known for their unwavering determination, Scorpios are relentless in pursuing their goals and can exhibit a mysterious and magnetic aura that draws others towards them.

  • Symbol: The Scorpion
  • Ruling planet: Pluto
  • Element: Water
  • Color: Scarlet, Red, Rust
  • Ruling house: Eighth
  • Most compatible Scorpio signs: Cancer, Pisces
  • Scorpio birthstone: Topaz
  • Key traits: Brave, passionate, resourceful

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Sagittarius individuals love philosophical discussions, travel, and freedom. People born under this sign are driven by a desire for exploration and a thirst for knowledge.

As a natural fire sign, they possess an open-minded and philosophical approach to life, always seeking deeper meanings and broader horizons.

  • Symbol: The Archer
  • Ruling planet: Jupiter
  • Element: Fire
  • Color: Blue
  • Ruling house: Ninth
  • Most compatible Sagittarius signs: Aries, Leo
  • Sagittarius birthstone: Turquoise
  • Key traits: Generous, idealistic, great sense of humor.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Known as the "sea goat" of the zodiac, Capricorns are all about hard work and are often seen as serious and realistic.

They are reliable and responsible individuals who value hard work and long-term success, making them natural leaders and excellent planners.

Despite their serious demeanor, Capricorns can also be surprisingly humorous and caring once you get to know them better.

  • Symbol: The Goat
  • Ruling planet: Saturn
  • Element: Earth
  • Color: Brown, Black
  • Ruling house: Tenth
  • Most compatible Capricorn signs: Taurus, Virgo
  • Capricorn birthstone: Garnet
  • Key traits: Responsible, disciplined, self-control

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Often thought of as the water bearer of the zodiac (despite being an air sign), Aquarians are highly intellectual and innovative and value intellectual stimulation and forward-looking ideas.

Aquarians are also highly sociable and open-minded, making them excellent team players and friends who cherish their freedom and individuality.

  • Symbol: The Water Bearer
  • Ruling planet: Uranus
  • Element: Air
  • Color: Light-Blue, Silver
  • Ruling house: Eleventh
  • Most compatible Aquarius signs: Gemini, Libra
  • Aquarius birthstone: Amethyst
  • Key traits: Progressive, original, independent

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Often described as the dreamers of the zodiac, this water sign possess a vivid imagination and often have a creative and artistic flair.

Pisces can be selfless and caring, sometimes to the point of sacrificing their own needs for the well-being of others. However, they might also struggle with setting boundaries and may have a tendency to become overwhelmed by their emotions.

  • Symbol: The Fish
  • Ruling planet: Neptune
  • Element: Water
  • Color: Mauve, Lilac, Purple, Violet, Sea green
  • Ruling house: Twelfth
  • Most compatible Pisces signs: Scorpio, Cancer
  • Pisces birthstone: Aquamarine
  • Key traits: Compassionate, artistic, intuitive

How to Find Out Your Zodiac Sign

Determining your zodiac sign is simple: it's based on your birth date. Each of the twelve zodiac signs corresponds to a specific period in the year.

For instance, if you were born between March 21 and April 19, your zodiac sign is Aries. By looking at the zodiac sign dates in the previous section, you can identify which sign corresponds to your birth date.

the Three Ascendants

In astrology, your sun, moon, and rising signs – also known as the Ascendant – play a significant role in defining your personality and emotional makeup.

While your sun sign indicates your core self, the moon sign represents your emotional inner world, and the rising sign can determine how you present yourself to others. Understanding these three components significantly influences one’s astrological personality.

Sun Sign

Your sun sign, also known as the star sign, is determined by the sun's position at birth. It is the most well-known among the three, often synonymous with your 'zodiac sign.'

The sun sign governs your individuality, personal growth, and outward creative expression. The star sign forms the core of who you are, dictating your basic character traits, innate skills, and life purpose.

Moon Sign

The moon sign reflects the moon's position in the zodiac at your birth time. It primarily shapes your emotional responses and subconscious preoccupations.

Your moon sign signifies your inner mood, emotional instincts, and deepest needs. It can provide insight into how you react to others, your intuitive responses, and what comforts you most.

Rising Sign

Also known as the Ascendant, it is the zodiac sign ascending on the eastern horizon at your precise birth.

It represents your social personality, the face you show the world, and how others perceive you. Your rising sign can influence your physical appearance, mannerisms, and the initial impressions you make.

Zodiac Sign Elements: Fire, Earth, Air and Water

In the fascinating realm of astrology, the twelve signs are divided into four elements - fire, earth, air, and water. These elemental groups carry unique characteristics and form the foundation of astrological theory.

They bind the zodiac signs together, representing the fundamental nature and energy of each. Fire signs are passionate and dynamic; earth signs are practical and grounded; air signs are intellectual and communicative; and water signs are emotional and intuitive.

As we unravel the distinctiveness of these four elements, we start to understand the diverse personality types and relationships among the zodiac signs.

Fire Signs: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius

Fire signs are known for their passion, dynamism, and temperaments that can be as volatile as a raging inferno. Fire signs tend to be brave, impulsive, and capable of lighting up a room with sheer enthusiasm and zest for life.

Fire signs can be natural-born leaders fueled by their desire to inspire others and their unique view of the world.

Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn

The earth signs are grounded in the material world. They're detail focused and have an appreciation for the tangible, sensory experiences of life.

Practical and stable, earth signs excel at creating structure and order. They value security and have a deep-rooted sense of responsibility.

Air Signs: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius

Air signs are all about communication and ideas. They are the thinkers of the zodiac, always analyzing, synthesizing, and probing. Air signs are social creatures who love deep, thoughtful conversations.

They are often described as "airheads," not because they're unintelligent but because they spend so much time in the airy clouds of thought.

Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces

Water signs are the emotional heart of the zodiac. They are exceptionally emotional and ultra-sensitive. They're intuitive and empathetic, capable of understanding deep emotional states - both their own and others.

Like water, they can be refreshing or drown you in their depths. Water signs often have an intense, dreamy quality, and they're at their best when they can express their deep feelings and values creatively.

Frequently Asked Questions About 12 Zodiac Signs

What Are the 12 Zodiac Sign Dates?

The twelve astrological signs' dates range from Aries (March 21-April 19) to Pisces (February 19-March 20). Each sign corresponds to a roughly month-long period within the year.

Does the Birth Chart Determine Zodiac Signs?

Your zodiac sign is determined by your birth date. Each of the signs corresponds to a specific period in the year. You can identify your zodiac sign by looking up your birth date within these periods.

Do Zodiac Signs Have Ages?

The term 'age' in astrology often refers to the Astrological Ages, which are periods in astrology that divide history according to the precession of the equinoxes. Each age lasts approximately 2,160 years and corresponds to one of the zodiac signs.

However, as we understand them, individual astrological signs don't have 'ages'; they correspond to specific date ranges each year.


Zodiac | Symbols, Dates, Facts, Signs | Britannica

Zodiac - Wikipedia

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The contents of this article are provided for informational purposes only. Anahana does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and should not be used as a substitute for medical advice from a healthcare professional. Anahana encourages to consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical guidance. Anahana is not liable for any errors, omissions, or consequences that may occur from using the information provided.

All Zodiac Signs: Dates, Months, Meaning, Symbols (1)

By: Natalia Ramirez

Natalia completed her educational journey at the DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University, earning a Bachelor of Commerce in 2019. Her academic excellence was recognized with her inclusion on the Dean's List for three consecutive years, a testament to her dedication and outstanding performance throughout her studies.

All Zodiac Signs: Dates, Months, Meaning, Symbols (2024)


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