Theology 11 Final Quizlet Based On Study Guide With Eliezer Edits Flashcards | Knowt (2024)

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Eternal Law

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94 Terms


Eternal Law

-The Divine Logic behind creation

  • -It is God’s wisdom organizing and directing all created beings and their movements.

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What does it mean to be “natural”

  • -In Natural Law terminology, everything has a nature

  • -The essence or nature is what a thing is

  • -It is natural for humans to be RATIONAL

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Natural Law

-The natural law is HUMAN REASON, this is giving norms or commands to what is good, and avoiding evil.

-It is applying human reason to the essence of humanity

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What reasonable open-minded people could agree on

-Everybody agrees that you should not murder, this is across cultures.

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Do good, Avoid Evil

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Positive Precept

The laws that require you to do (The dos)

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Negative Precept

The laws that say what not to do (The Don’ts)

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Permanent or unchanging; Natural Law is immutable

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Natural law is universal and all must follow it

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Natural Law must be followed by all cultures, and they must change to conform to the natural law

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  • Why do people at times not know the natural law?

-Human intellect has been wounded by original sin and does not perceive truth easily or immediately.

-People might know the natural law, but might have not learned it

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  • Immorality/illegality

  • -That which is wrong and evil (sinful); violates the moral law

  • -What is illegal is usually immoral, but not always

  • -What is legal is usually moral, but not always

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Revealed Law

-Law given to us directly by God

-Many of these laws are discoverable by reason but God revealed them so we can be certain about it

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New Testament Laws

-In the New Testament, Jesus reveals a New Law; a new way of life for the disciples; it is a law of freedom

-This takes us to a new level of Holiness

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Why is Law needed

  • 1. To stop them from doing evil, hurting themselves and others.

  • 2. So that other people can live in peace.

  • 3. So that after having been forced to act reasonably for a period of time, they will come to see the benefit of it, become wiser, and choose it freely.

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Ecclesiastical Law

-The Church has authority from Christ to make laws that are binding in conscience on Catholics

-Jesus originally gave the authority to Peter

-The Law that governs the Church is the Canon LAw

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5 Precepts of the Catholic Church

  1. Attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation

  2. Confess grave sins at least once a year

  3. Receive communion at least once a year (During Easter)

  4. Fast and Abstain on the days appointed

  5. Contribute to the support of the church

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-Required when you turn 18

-Must fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday

  • -Lent Fridays fasting is not required but must be abstinent

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Civil Law

-The laws created by the government to bring safety and order

-Authority from Civil Law ultimately comes from God; this could mean that in some cases violating a civil law could be a sin against God

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Must the civil authorities outlaw every action that violates natural law?

No, not everything that is morally wrong must be made illegal (a crime) by the state; only if it is serious then it should be

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The gift God gave human beings to be able to use reason in order to judge right from wrong. Our conscience is God’s voice in our hearts. We have a responsibility to inform our conscience with prayer and God’s word about what is truly good.

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When can conscience apply

It can happen before, during, or after the action

  • Ex:

  • Before: “Should I get drunk at the party tonight?”

  • During: “Maybe I should not be drinking this (fifth) beer in my hand.”

  • After: “Last night I was telling myself that getting drunk was just innocent fun. I now admit that it was wrong.”

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Three step process to applying conscience

  1. Perception of principles

  2. Application to circ*mstances

  3. Moral Judgement

  • Examples:

    • Perception of moral principles.

      • -Stealing is wrong

    • Application of principles to particular situations.

      • -Taking this watch out of this store without paying for it, would be stealing.

    • Moral judgment about the act to be performed, or already performed.

      • -If I take this watch, I will be doing something wrong. Hence I must not do this.

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Objective and Subjective

For any judgment of conscience, there is an objective and subjective dimension.

  1. Objective: conscience can be correct or erroneous

  2. Subjective: conscience can be certain or doubtful

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Correct and Erroneous

Conscience is correct if step 3 of applying conscience is true, and conscience is erroneous if step 3 of applying conscience is false

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Certain and Doubtful

Conscience could be certain or doubtful that the action is right. If certain you must act on it and if not you should not.

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Can conscience be certain and erroneous

Yes, and even if it could be erroneous you must act on it, and you could not be guilty of doing something sinful

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Proximate Norm of morality

Proximate - nearby, inside your head, internal

  • -It is “proximate” or close, e.g. the knowledge in me that stealing is wrong.

  • -It commands or forbids with authority. This authority comes from outside myself.

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What conscience is/is not

Conscience Is: The gift God gave humans to be able to use reason in order to use reason to judge right from wrong

  • Conscience is NOT:

    • -A little voice

    • -Gut feeling

    • -A god-like power to create your own rules about right and wrong.

    • -Not “my opinion.”

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A person’s conscience should not be violated; should not force someone to do something

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Conscience has an “intuitive side.”

The more a person listens to conscience and grows in virtue, the more he or she becomes “attuned” and sensitive to good and evil.

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Rules for Conscience

  1. Moral Obligation to form your conscience

  2. Always follow a certain conscience

  3. Never obey a doubtful conscience

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Two steps to conscience formation

  1. To grow in our “perception of moral principles,” that is, our knowledge about which kinds of actions are right, and which are wrong, and why.

  2. To improve our skills at applying the moral principles to concrete situations.

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An offense against God, reason, truth, and right conscience.

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First Mortal Sin

The original sin

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When is something an idol?

  • -your top priority

  • -the most important part of your life

  • -your hope for ultimate happiness and meaning

  • -the place where you invest unlimited time, money, energy and attention.

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7 Capital Sins

  • Pride

  • Covetousness/Envy

  • Lust

  • Anger

  • Gluttony

  • Greed

  • Sloth (lack of effort in loving God)

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Two Categories of Sin

Mortal - Serious/deadly sin

Venial- any sin that’s not mortal

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Mortal sin requirements

  • -The moral object is grave (or serious) matter.

  • -The act is committed with full knowledge.

  • -The act is committed with complete consent.

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Unforgivable Sin

Sin against the holy spirit

-This sin is when you refuse to repent to God

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The first commandment

“I am the LORD your God: you shall not have strange Gods before me.”

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Virtue of faith

Faith is the theological virtue which enables us to believe in God and all that God has said and revealed to us, because of his divine authority and trustworthiness

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Voluntary doubt

intentionally call into question some aspect of Divine Revelation out of an unwillingness to accept a doctrine or moral teaching

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a refusal to submit oneself to the authority of the pope or to the bishops in communion with him, though no formal rejection of a truth of the faith occurs

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a total rejection of the Christian faith by someone who once freely accepted it

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the rejection of a revealed truth of the Catholic Faith

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assumes God will be merciful even if one makes no effort to live a Christian life or repent one’s sins

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a willful lack of trust in God’s mercy and love.

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selfless, giving love.

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  • a sadness or dejection of the will when one finds it difficult to live a spiritual life.

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The blending of Christianity with polytheism

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Divination uses occult powers in an attempt to predict the future or other unknowable things

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Magic tries to use the occult to attain an end.

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Wicca: “White magic” or nature magic, a supposed bending of natural spiritual forces for purposes of healing or bringing benefits to oneself or others.

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Sacrilege To treat holy things in an unholy way

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5th Commandment

You Shall Not Kill

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The right to self-defense is an extension of the inalienable right to life; every individual is justified defending against an unjust aggresso

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Just war principles

  • 1. Self-defense: The war is self-defense against an unjust aggressor, and the damage afflicted by the aggressor is “lasting, grave, and certain”

  • 2. Last resort: Diplomacy, negotiations, persuasion, trade restrictions, and embargos must be exhausted before war becomes a moral option

  • 3. Probability of success: If defeat is almost certain for a military action, then it is morally wrong to wage a war that will only result in more casualties

  • 4. Proportionality: A military response to an attack must not be greater than that required for self-defense (if stones are used, don’t drop a nuke)

  • 5. Non-combatants: It is always morally wrong for a military force to target non-combatants and unarmed citizens

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Capital Punishment

Was allowed Back then, but was later deemed unacceptable due to advancements in the world

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Killing Animals

It is allowed for food, but do not make them suffer

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Why is suicide Grave Matter

  • -God is the Master and Giver of life. Our life belongs to him

  • -Our lives are not ours to dispose of.

  • -Suicide is a sin against self, others, and God

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When does a human become human

As soon as the egg is fertilized a distinct human organism is created

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-Is not technically sinful, as it can be used for health reasons

-It is Abortifacient: It can cause micro abortions, stopping the egg from implanting

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Effect on Woman

It can have a huge negative impact on women (more on the next flash cards)

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Spiritual effect

It can cause total alienation from God and pain for years

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Guilt impact

It can lead to a loss of self-worth and self-respect, which can turn into depression

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Disenfranchised grief

A woman begins bonding with her child from the moment she learns she is pregnant. If the pregnancy is ended by abortion, she experiences this as a loss (many people will not understand how the woman is feeling after the abortion and do not reach out to her with compassion)

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Physical Affects

-Increased risk of Breast cancer

-Placenta Previa - causes a higher chance for miscarriages

-Worse symptoms during pregnancy

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Abortion and forgiveness

-A woman may feel like she is not worthy of forgiveness after an abortion, but she is and we must communicate that to her

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The Natural Law argument for why abortion is wrong

  • -They are the product of humans

  • -Distinct organism after being fertilized

  • D-octors treat unborn children as patients

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  • one of the oldest Christian documents from the Apostolic age that condemns Abortion

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“It is not a baby, it is a fetus”

There is no difference between a baby and a fetus, it is two different words for the same reality

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“It is her choice”

We should never respect an evil decision

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Physician Assisted Suicide (PAS)

Assisting another person to take his or her own life. This is wrong even if done by a medical professional

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  • -Man has a right to life “from womb to tomb”

  • -Euthanasia, by ending someone’s life who has little to no chance of recovery, and is thought to have a poor quality of life, denies this right

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Another sin against others is omission of service (failing to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, or otherwise provide basic needs)

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Organ transplants/donation

  • -Organ removal: Mutilation or disfigurement are contrary to the moral law (At certain times, it may be necessary to remove a limb or organ to save the life of a seriously ill person; such surgery is morally permissible)

  • -An organ transplant is allowable when both the donor and the recipient give informed consent, and the physical and psychological dangers and risks are proportional to the benefits

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  • Adult stem cells and Embryonic stem cells

An adult donating their body to science is permissible, and embryo having this done to them is not

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  • How sexual acts can be an offense to God

  • To covet someone else’s wife is to sin against chastity and Marriage

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  • The Ninth Commandment is fulfilled by the virtue of modesty

  • The virtue that moderates one’s external appearance (especially in dress), behavior, humility, and studiousness in order to avoid offending God or others to avoid attracting what is unnecessary, and to temper excessive desire for personal distinction. It is the refusal to unveil what should remain hidden and, especially in matters of dress, is ordered to chastity.

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The two principles that govern the Church on sexuality

  1. Sex belongs within a Marriage

  2. Love and life

    • -The sharing of love between the spouses and the transmission of life

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Conjugal act

Marriage is a lifelong conjugal relationship

A term describing the obligations, responsibilities, and interactions between a husband and wife.

Includes Consummation of marriage

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  • Premarital sex takes the sacred act of love and removes it from the sacrament of marriage

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  • In vitro fertilization

mature eggs are collected from ovaries and fertilized by sperm in a lab

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Gestational Surrogacy

Surrogacy: The practice of artificially impregnating a woman who then carries and delivers the baby (to whom she may or may not be biologically related) in order to then give the baby to an infertile person or couple

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  • Egg/sperm donation

Morally wrong

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Contraceptive sterilization surgeries such as vasectomy or tubal ligation

If the couple deliberately prevents a pregnancy by using contraception they are violating the end of procreation

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hom*osexual acts

hom*osexuality which violates to procreative and unitive end of sexual activity

  • The Church teaches that it is not wrong to feel attracted to members of the same sex however, encouraging or acting on those feelings is sinful

  • Sexual identity/orientation is not essential to a person’s true identity

    • Our true identity is found in Jesus

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  • Sex reassignment surgery

  • Transgender surgery, a biological male gets surgical procedures to become a female

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  • Trial marriage (Cohabitation)

  • Boyfriend and girlfriend living together before marriage

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Marriage between the baptized is indissoluble

Sacramental marriage remains even if a civil court divorces the couple

If one of the spouses was unable to freely consent to the marriage an annulment can be sought through the Church

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The true integration of sexuality within a person’s bodily and spiritual being. It includes an apprenticeship in self-mastery. Each of us is called to chastity.

Moderates our human desire for sexual intimacy

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  • Natural Family Planning / Fertility Awareness

  • The Church encourages the use of Natural Family Planning (NFP):

    • -The general title for the scientific, natural, and moral methods of family planning that can help married couples either achieve or postpone pregnancies and which respect the unitive and procreative nature of the marital embrace.

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Theology 11 Final Quizlet Based On Study Guide With Eliezer Edits  Flashcards | Knowt (2024)


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